Our little pal "Mi" needed help with his English homework, unscrambling the words to make a correct sentence. As I checked his answers, I wondered if he really knows a man named husband's Johansson.
Well, we went to the playa in Santa Rosa last P-day and I took un monton de fotos. I'll send some of those today as well. It is absolutely stunning there! Some of our zone played frisbee, others went sand jumping, and others of us sat in a little cove and told stories about our lives. Elder Johnson went to BYU-I-Do and was proposed to three times before he came on the mission. I am never touching that campus.

I really appreciated Hermana Moody this week. Even though she teased me incessantly with her foolish imaginations about my life, she also helped me a lot in my moments of sadness or frustration. I have no doubt that Heavenly Father put us together here with a great plan. I learn so much from Hermana Moody and it's going to be really hard when we eventually have to change! But I know we all move along.
We met another nice drunk man on the street the other night. It was pretty busy and we were right outside a little tienda so we weren't worried. He tried to speak to us in English but said nothing even remotely coherent in any modern language. This went on for a few minutes and he pleasantly told us some story and asked us incomprehensible questions. Then finally, as we extended the mano to say peace out, he pointed straight at me and said,
"I love you."
Hermana Moody risked her life (again) to climb in the window of the bishop's office at his medical practice across the street from the church so we could get the keys like he told us to.
And then I tried the door.
it was unlocked.
Do you gringos still listen to dubstep? Just curious. It makes me want to dance. BUT I'll hold back just this once.
We had a great conversation about important things this week. So Hermana Moody has apparently watched one episode of Spongebob in her whole life. I asked her which episode it was, and she began to describe it to me so I could figure out which one she was referring to.
"I almost said I had seen the one which starts out singing about living in a barnacle under the sea... Wait. I think I saw the one where Squidward had a bad day. OH! It definitely involved a plankton."
Here on Sunday afternoons, the LDS women make this particular plate called Arroz a la Cubana. Basically rice, fried egg sunny side up, and platanos fritos (fried bananas). IT IS AMAZING. It's like a good casserole. Gotta love those Mormons.
Quote of the Week:
"We have to keep working with those names of menos activos that the ward gave us, even though some of them are complete......fairy.....love....." - Hna Moody, trying to exercise her pure love of Christ even when people are giving us nothing to work with. (Please pray that the members will do their part in the missionary work!)
I love you all!
De Perú con todo mi amor,
Hermana Hewitt