28 July 2014

Have fun! 7-28-14

Our Ecuador group was together again for the last time this week! We finally got our DNIs and we are more legal here than the potato. It is awesome that we are now good to go for our last couple MONTHS in Perú, but we are kinda sad that we probably won't all be reunited again. We got tight in these ten something visits to stand around in lines all day. 

Especially playing Uno around a trash can because they wouldn't let us sit down. I used to be SO GOOD at Uno but I didn't win once! Hahahaha and Elder McDonald had written his name on every single card. Smart one.

ANYWAY. I got the chance to talk with Elder Larsen and Elder Salazar once again this week and those guys gave me such a different perspective. Remember when Elder Nelson said, "It's not missionary work. It's missionary fun!"? He was so right! That's been the emphasis of my week. Enjoy every minute and be grateful for everything that we have. So I am putting that into practice and I am just SO JOYFUL!

I am serious!

Like for real!

I feel such a great hope that isn't just deep doctrinal business, it's pure happiness and excitement. We go out and work and just love life and contact. We had been having days of maybe two or three contacts, so concerned to get to appointments which just ended up falling anyway, but when we went out and decided to have fun and laugh and smile and say hi to everybody we have seen miracles! When we got home yesterday I realized we had contacted a ton of people without having to MAKE ourselves do it. It was just natural. 


I love my life! I am so thankful for missionary work and missionary fun and my calling! It's just a treat to be here serving the Lord. 

So, advice for the week: Have fun! In everything you're doing! I don't care if you are a serious person cause I am too. Simply smile and love each breath you take. Look outward and upward and you will be happy!

I love you all so much! You're in my prayers!

Hermana Hewitt

Haha P.S. I am a little more bold about crossing the street. This week on our way to a teaching appointment I walked out to beat the traffic and called to hermana Do Santos, "Vamos!"
She just put her hands on her hips and said, "NO ES MI TIEMPO!"

Also, I took advantage of our ridiculous service activity of cleaning the room that Elder Avery and Elder Mamani are going to move into and just started drawing in water on their walls. DON'T WORRY IT DIDN'T STAIN IT. And I had to jump to do the sideburns.

26 July 2014

Know it, Live it, Love it 7-21-14

I would like to invite you to go and watch the Mormon Message "Mountains to Climb."


This week was one of those mountains for us. Hermana Do Santos and I are staying in Pro together another transfer! Oh my goodness can you believe after this I only have three transfers left? So crazy. Okay I don't want to think about it.

Elder Larsen and Hermana Flores left our zone, and they were replaced by Elder Avery (also from my district in the CCM, and with whom I spent my whole six months in Puente - we are tight like unto a dish) and Hermana McIntosh (Hermana Stirling's third companion from Panamá, of 4 companions. hahahaha). 

I heard the song "Anna Sun" this week for the first time in a year and a half ish and I thought I was going to cry. Go listen to it and dance on my behalf. 

We taught two investigators who I love with all my heart but simply are not progressing this week. The husband fell asleep in the lesson, and when he woke up he started asking a bunch of questions about the scripture we were TRYING to explain. His wife looked at him exasperatedly and reprimanded (in a rough translation), "Look here. It says, 'And verily, verily, I say unto you, that you didn't hear my voice because you were SLEEPING!' "

He just stared at her and then all four of us burst out laughing. AH I love them.

Our former bishop gave me some good advice without meaning to the other day. He said, "A leader is a leader because he doesn't ever complain." Words to live by, wannabe leaders. 

When our ward was sustaining a new Relief Society secretary in Sacrament Meeting yesterday, my companion lost her focus and with a grin raised her hand to oppose the calling. The recent convert at her side (who came to church for the first time in months) followed, and so did her little eight-year-old son. 

And you people thought the missionaries were here to support the wards. 

Also, just so you're aware, Lima winters are FREEZING because of the humidity. Drink a mug of hot chocolate and walk around with gloves on in honor of Hermana Hewitt. A ward member gave me a CUTE scarf for an extremely late birthday present this week. I think that makes number 15 in my collection here on the mish. My words of wisdom: You can never have too many scarves. Or too much hair. I miss my hair. :(

Alright folks I am really not that superficial! Stop those thoughts right now! 

I have found that my studies are bearing many fruits lately. I am learning that the principle of asking, seeking, and knocking is a very true one and the Lord is so willing to answer our sincere prayers. I am excited to help my investigators understand better the importance of scripture study and heartfelt prayer. 

Take heart! Have faith! If something isn't working, ask God what you need to do to fix it! Most of all, follow wise counsel and live the principles you learn about! 

I love you but won't let myself miss you just yet! Tengan paciencia conmigo por favor. :)

Hermana Hewitt

P.S. Quote of the Week:
We were walking past the Plaza Cívica last night, where they have horses that kids can mount to circle the park. Suddenly it smelled reeeal bad as we found that the horse had done its business there on the sidewalk. Hermana Do Santos, in her cute little jungle accent, exclaimed, "I am pretty sure they should make their horses walk around with their Pampers!"

Huggies would be fine too.

15 July 2014

I get knocked down! BUT I GET UP AGAIN! 7-14-14

Hermana Stirling and I enjoyed hearing that on the radio in the bus this week. It is a good theme to go with.

Ohohohooooo my goodness I didn't tell you guys. 

So we all think that the time we threw up in elementary school was the most embarrassing moment of our lives, right? I thought that, anyway. And then we went to the clinic in the middle of Lima last week. 

Outside the big Jesús del Norte hospital is an extraordinarily busy street, filled with high rises and pedestrians and traffic. Also, there are those awesome sidewalk vents that shoot up hot air to keep us all warm. Also, there are gringa missionaries with pretty flowing skirts that don't realize those vents are right there.


So that was breakfast and a show for half the city of Lima.

Oh yeah also WAY TO GO ALEMANIA!!!
The mundial is inescapable here. Proud to be of German descent.


So, we had a pretty amazing week. Nine new investigators - parts of two wonderful FAMILIES and a handful of other children of God - and some life-changing experiences. Transfers are tomorrow and I am really hoping that I find out that I'll be staying here with my beloved Hermana Chachita Do Santos!

P.S. Anybody who knows Spanish, you had better email me and ask me for the address of my companion. She needs some laughs and cheering on.

Remember our darling "B"family? Still working with them. They have so many doubts about the Book of Mormon! It is their one big issue. We had an interesting lesson with them the other day, talking about faith and repentance and baptism and the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end and all that gospel jazz. And then "L" paused, looked at us, and said, "You know what, hermanas? You would win a LOT more souls if you used the Bible up-front with people instead of this Book of Mormon." 

I ALMOST EXPLODED. JustkiddingnotreallybutthatkindoflanguageDOESNOTFLYWITHHERMANAHEWITT.

We started to tell her that WELL, that book is the evidence of the truth of our entire message! If it's true, everything we say is true! If it's not, all our words are lies! And then her son said, "Well Hermana Hewitt, how are you SO sure that the book IS true?"

At first I made a joke about having talked with Joseph Smith. That was not funny. But then I thought for a second and responded with my testimony.

When I was 18, I doubted very many things and wanted to know for sure that I wasn't going down the completely incorrect path. I read the Book of Mormon cover to cover for the first time on my own (yes, you can judge me for not having read it completely until 18) and I did what Moroni told me. I was sitting in the front room of our house. I closed the book, kneeled by the sofa, and asked of God. 

You want to know something?

He responded!

The Book of Mormon is His word. With my heart and soul I give my testimony to that. This is HIS Church and HIS work. I know without a doubt in the clarity and firmness of my mind that God lives and that He loves His children, and He speaks to us. He really does. Miracles have not ceased and angels continue to minister to the children of men! It is true! I cannot do anything more than promise you and pray that you will believe me. But please, do believe me. I know it more than I know anything else for certain.

I love you all so much and thank you for your prayers.

Hermana Hewitt

One year older and wiser too… 7-7-14

Well folks, I hit the year mark on Thursday the third. I know, I know, you're all just so excited because that means you get to see me in less than six months. But please stop praying that time will go faster - Heavenly Father answers those prayers!

I have done a lot of thinking about what I have done and what I will do in the rest of the time the Lord has alotted me. But I sorta wanted to write about the changes that have come to pass in me in this last year. I'll try to be short, but just know that I think I have made a bit of progress!

1. My hair is longer, blonder, and I'm pretty sure quite a bit thinner. I'm going to have to take some vitamins because the water here has killed me.

2. I am still exactly the same height. Put on a little bit of weight, but I don't plan to be rolled home like Veruca Salt. I said goodbye to chocolate this week.

3. The soles of my feet are wider and often ache. Walking a lot does that I guess.

4. I have, believe it or not, more freckles.

5. I wear glasses. That's a new attraction. They're not very strong but they have helped me a lot. I'm less tired and more focused and don't look quite as awful without makeup. Hahaha.

6. I know how to make friends. It's not so hard for me anymore! I think that's one of the reasons Heavenly Father sent me to a Latin country. They are incredibly open with one another, and if you want anything to happen you have to speak up. Plus they LOVE to laugh, so my sense of humor has developed.

7. I speak fluent Spanish. I think.

8. I sleep more than four hours every night, and the quality of my sleep has increased tremendously.

9. I judge my decisions better. I have learned how to think before I act and recognize spiritual impressions as they come. Still not perfect, but getting there.

10. I have grown to love the people here so much. I honestly do not know how I am going to handle being in the United States again. I feel like I fit in and Perú is my home.

11. I am a teacher. I love love LOVE teaching the gospel because I get to teach by the Spirit. Of myself I know I am really not that great a teacher but He is a wonderful one and I always learn something new when I speak by the Holy Ghost.

12. I understand much deeper the profound meaning of sincere prayer.

13. I have a stronger testimony of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and the crucial importance of using our agency wisely to allow the Atonement to work in our lives.

14. I know a lot more about myself - my current weaknesses, my current strengths, and my potential to become better.

15. I know how to see God's children through His eyes and how to discover that potential that each of them has. That is one of the most miraculous blessings of serving a mission - realizing how much God loves every last one of His children and how unique each one and his or her needs are.

16. I desire so indescribably much to do what Heavenly Father wants me to do. I want to follow His plan and I want to give Him the glory and I want to just turn my will over to His. I have learned that this is MUCH easier said than done, but I feel deep down in my heart the yearning to serve God with all that I am and all that I have. 

Our Heavenly Father loves us more than we can imagine. I testify of it. I know it! He truly does have a plan. He truly does have a way of making all His promises come to pass. He truly does want each and every one of us to return home to live with Him. 

He restored His gospel to this earth through the great prophet, Joseph Smith, so that WE MIGHT KNOW how to return to His presence. It is all He wants! And all He has ever wanted since the foundation of eternity! That is why He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to atone for us - because He wants us to come back. 

I really want my family to be eternal, and your family too, and the families of all my Peruvian brothers and sisters as well. I will put my heart into making that happen, because I know that that is what GOD wants.

I love you!

Hermana Hewitt

06 July 2014

Takin' It Back 6-30-14

WORK VISIT IN PUENTE PIEDRA! Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

This pic doesn't actually have anything to do with her work visit in Puente Piedra, but I couldn't find another place in the email that it made sense… so…here is Hermana Hewitt highlighting the odd taste that school children in Peru have in their backpacks!

Hermana Francisca is still the sisters' pensionist and she saw Hermana Villatoro and I walking the calle on Wednesday night and yelled. She ran up to greet me and we hugged and she cried (tears streaming down her cheeks) and kissed my neck four times. Her sister Patty also hugged me and cried, just a little bit less exaggeratedly, and Hermana Villatoro looked at me like...

What did you do here?

Fun stuff. Puente has changed a lot since I left, but the sisters are still living in that awesome yellow room with that awesome giant Batman window! And it still has the plastic "Happy Holidays" door hanger that Hermana Moody's mom sent us last November. Also the Halloween light. Also some of my gel pens. I wanted to steal one that I had been using to mark scriptures about baptism...but I didn't do it.


But I learned a lot. Hermana Villatoro just arrived from the San Salvador East mission (anybody know Elder Lincoln Wyatt? He's there and she tooootally knows him!) and she has nine months on the mission. She is a rocket! What a work ethic. I learned a ton from her and we have been working even harder this week. 

Lots and lots and lots of contacting. I have gotten to be a half-baked expert. I actually enjoy contacting once I get started. It always leaves me feeling better.

Lots and lots and lots of rejections. IT'S OKAY. We keep going. 

Several lectures to myself on patience. I struggled with that this week.

We are practicing teaching a lot with my compy comp. We did a practice of extending the baptismal invitation and resolving doubts, and the Spirit was so strong when Hermana Do Santos practiced teaching me! I cried! She is so awesome. I LOVE MY COMPANION.

We were invited to teach a 91-year-old woman. Very Catholic. Very deaf. When my companion didn't yell loud enough the sister pointed at her and said LOOK I ALREADY TOLD YOU, YOU HAVE TO TALK LOUD. Poor Hermana Do Santos looked like she was about to cry. I have never yelled a prayer before (apart from that one time in my sleep) but I did that day. Also the woman's middle-aged daughter just told her mom that I am Barbie in the flesh. Some other lady who passed me on the street called me Barbie a few days later too. I think my hair is getting longer and people are getting blinder.


Oh I can't even tell you how accomplished I felt! Goodness gracious heavens to Betsy it scared the bajeezers out of me and I walked at least 20 feet away from every dog I saw the rest of the day but IT FINALLY HAPPENED! He didn't even bark. Just watched me as we passed and then creeped in like a sly turtle in the warm water on a dark night and snapped at my Achilles. It only bled a little bit. If I get rabies you'll be informed.

Also! Our ward mission leader gave us some EXTREMELY delicious Peruvian hot chocolate in our coordination meeting and I downed ALMOST all of it before I found a pretty little worm at the bottom of my mug. Poor Hermano Villalobos was so embarrassed! I just laughed and tried not to pass out.

Hahaha also my companion and I read that awesome talk from President Kimball "Close Your Hearts" and discussed how we can better focus on the mission. It wasn't really a problem...but I am me and I felt like a sinner when I read that we should not allow EVEN ONE LITTLE ROMANTIC THOUGHT enter our minds. So that was my goal for the rest of the week. I feel like Heavenly Father was trying to be funny when He decided to influence all of our ward leaders to share messages about eternal marriage in church yesterday. I wanted to die! Mostly l just tuned it all out and thought about our investigators.

Maybe Lex could take a lesson from Elder Larsen who went to this extreme to protect the virtue of his thoughts when inappropriate music was being played where they were eating lunch!  Go Elder Larsen!  :-)

Do you all think I am pathetic?

I won't be offended if you say yes.

Does anyone besides my parents even read this?

If not...well...love ya, parents!

Hermana Hewitt