29 January 2014

¿Un cafecito?

My companion has problems with the Palabra de Sabiduría. When anyone asks her what she´d like to drink, she often murmurs under her breath, "un cafecito por favor?"



Welp, I got my tooth all fixed up! The dentist is named Ursula. And she has flowers on each side of the giant bright light she shined in my face for two hours that look suspiciously similar to poor unfortunate souls.

We also hung out in the E.R. for 5 hours on Wednesday morning. Hermana Jaramillo wasn't feeling too hot...Perú does some weird stuff to foreigners in the heat of the summer. But we're alive and we danced like true Mexicanas for exercise this morning.


Today we find out about cambios again! I can't believe they are already here. I am pretty sure my BFFs in the zone will all be leaving me. And I have this weird feeling that I am going to be sent away as well...but probably just because I know that it will take me all night to pack my bags just when I am trying to regulate my sleep schedule again. Oh sweet omens of goodness and concern. (Lexi did find out during her time in the mission home on Monday that she IS being transferred out of the area.  She was feeling nervous…keep her in your prayers as she is "stretched."  I will let you know as soon as I receive word from the Mission Home as to where she has been transferred.  Can you believe she's been out for nearly 7 months already??)

We did our last service project in the zone leaders´ pensionist´s house on Friday. They gave us some weird fish stuff and rice and potatoes to thank us for moving their grand array of junk from the 1st floor to the 4th, and I tried a delicious vegetable called rocotto. 

I have never felt such fire within myself ever.
And Hna J tells me it's nothing compared to habañeros. 


And Perú.
And probably my country as well.


I learned a lot about humility and charity this week. It's still tough training. Your weaknesses are basically put on display for your companion to see very clearly and they look at you like, "THIS is the example I'm supposed to follow?" And then when you change your attitude and get better things are good. I am so thankful for the Atonement and the opportunity to repent and change. Another missionary explained to me very well how the refiner's fire works, especially as a leader in the mission. Things get harder and harder, the fire gets hotter and hotter, and then you remember Jesus Christ and the fire turns into steam, which powers a train of progression until everything cools down into the water you are meant to be, which is a little purer than it was before. And it's a cycle. I don't know if that makes sense to you...but it did to me. And I know that everything will be alright if I keep looking to the Savior.

If you are feeling like you'dlike to receive some blessings of compassion, pray for the family Rodriguez-Salazar and the family Negreiros-Rodriguez. If you can't pronounce that, it's okay. But they could use your prayers.

Lots and lots of love from your favorite Peruana-Méxicana-Gringa,

Hermana Hewitt

20 January 2014


My apologies in advance… once again I wrote Lex too long of a letter which probably resulted in this one-long-sentence-with-no-spaces-or-punctuation-of-an-email-from-her-to-all-of-you!  Sorry… you can blame me as you try to decipher it but I'm posting it just like she wrote it this time!  ;-)

Well, I only have one minute to write a letter. Sorry for wasting time.



But hey. What can ya do. Life goes on.

I really love being a missionary. I feel so close to my Heavenly Father and I know that He truly is in control of all things. He has prepared a perfect Plan of Happiness for all of us, and central to that Plan is the Atonement of His Son, Jesus Christ. I know that through Him we can find joy in this world and life eternal in the world to come. God is perfect and infinite and we are His children.

Never forget who you really are, okay?

I love you all and pray for you every night!

Hermana Hewitt


Well folks, we had two baptisms and several near death experiences over the course of the past seven days. 


Yeah, so "D", a chickadee with a changed heart, decided this week that she wanted to get baptized. We had tried to teach her months ago and her parents said NO because she wasn't listening to us and simply didn't want to. So we left her with the challenge to pray to know if Joseph Smith was a prophet and if she should get baptized, and on Tuesday we learned that she had done just that and finally received her answer. Her father baptized her on Saturday morning.

"C", the daughter of an less active single mother, has been talking about being baptized for some time now. As we talked to her and her family this week we realized that they really didn't know a whole lot about the principle and ordinance of baptism. So we explained with clarity and some earth-shaking power exactly how important is the baptismal covenant and they actually listened. She prayed and received her answer very soon. Elder Johnson baptized her on Saturday evening.

Both of the baptisms were miraculous and beautiful. This week I have learned SO MUCH, especially because I have been rather ill. Let's just say that some undercooked chorizo on a 103-degree, 100-percent humidity Tuesday led me to a journey filled with headaches, fevers, and a display of just how many different ways my stomach knows how to get rid of a bacterial infection. Yeah, it was rough. I don't know why I am chuckling right now. It's probably just great relief.

But yesterday I had to stay home all day. I slept a lot but also got the opportunity to do a lot of praying and meditating and studying and talking with Hermana "Ar", the best member missionary on the face of this earth. I learned un montón de cosas. Most importantly,

Heavenly Father does everything for a reason.

He has everything planned out beforehand and He intertwines lives and experiences so that all of His children can benefit. He rewards us according to our desires with the things that will help us the most to become perfect. If I needed to get super sick to come closer to Him and to my refinement, I don't regret it at all. And my companion was able to go out and put into practice some of the things she had learned and be the senior companion with a member for the day, so I know that she benefited greatly as well.

When you don't understand why something is going on, just remember that there IS a reason. There is an end result on the horizon, and if we are faithful that end result will surely be the perfect glory for which we live and hope.

Remember to say your prayers, and remember to serve your brothers and sisters. 

Every day this week, take a moment to listen really intently - to the world, to a friend, to a child, to the Spirit - and let that moment be one of clarity and soundness. I assure you that in that moment you will find an answer to a question that has troubled you; perhaps even a question that you hadn't realized yet. Write it down and don't forget it.

I love you all and send my blessings home!

Hermana Hewitt

06 January 2014

Important - new address for sending packages

This letter was forwarded through the missionaries to their families, so please take note if you would like to send Lexi a PACKAGE. Letters can be mailed normally.  Also, I send my packages to Lexi through a courier in SL.  Let me know if you are interested in sending something to Lexi through her.  It costs about the same but the packages are hand delivered to the Mission Home so we have peace of mind that she is receiving them and she won't be charged anything to pick them up.

You have to send the package with it addressed exactly like this. Just put you missionary´s first and last name here
You have to send the package with it addressed exactly like this. Just put you missionary´s first and last name here
Pedro Ronald Roldan Caceres
cc.  (        ex.Elder Bob Smith                     )
Misión Perú Lima Oeste
Carlos Salaverry # 3664 – Los Olivos
Casilla de Correo 39-054
Lima 39, Perú

Pedro Ronald Roldan Caceres
cc.  (        ex.Elder Bob Smith                     )
Misión Perú Lima Oeste
Carlos Salaverry # 3664 – Los Olivos
Casilla de Correo 39-054
Lima 39, Perú

1. You have to send it to “Pedro Ronald Roldan Caceres
    • He is Stake President that gets all of the packages for the mission. If the package is not addressed to him your package may not be received. 

  • ***To get the last packages sent incorrectly it cost 400 soles. The missionaries who receive packages incorrectly will be charged this fee. 
***To get the last packages sent incorrectly it cost 400 soles. The missionaries who receive packages incorrectly will be charged this fee. 
    • If it cost more than $50 it will get stuck in customs
    • If you want to send a lot do so in various small packages
      • In the extreme case that you have to send a big box do so with the upgraded postage “EASY EXPORT”

  • Only use United States Post Service
    • Not FEDEX, DHL y UPS.

  • Every package must be sent to the full address above
(Full name of your missionary)
Misión Perú Lima Oeste
Carlos Salaverry # 3664 – Los Olivos
Casilla de Correo 39-054
     Lima 39, Perú
(Full name of your missionary)
Misión Perú Lima Oeste
Carlos Salaverry # 3664 – Los Olivos
Casilla de Correo 39-054
     Lima 39, Perú
1. You have to send it
                         to this address
We are not responsible for any lost or damaged


The rules are our best friends (1-6-14)

Hola cupcakes!

I apologize for my shortness these past few weeks. Things have been a bit whacky. But I have prayed for all my family and friends and I fervently hope that all of you have enjoyed Christmas and the New Year! The New Year's festivities here are CRAZY. I forgot to tell you, but on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve the entire city lights huge fireworks for about 15 minutes straight around midnight. It's so cool! Literally, everywhere you look there are fireworks exploding. Not to mention the gunshots into the sky...


Oh my goodness yeah! I have SIX MONTHS on the mission! Holy guacamole. Nope, they don't eat that here. But we have some mango and avocado in the fridge that might be gettin a makeover real soon here. Anyway. Six whole months. Looking back I see an ocean of things that have changed in me, but I know I still have a world to improve. Nevertheless, we endure to the end!

One of my fellow missionaries asked me on Monday what my favorite thing is about the mission. He told me his favorite part is the moment of reverence right before someone is baptized. I had to think for a day, but then I remembered that my favorite part is the feeling I have after a day of exact obedience. Granted, I had experienced this feeling probably four times in the whole mission (it's harder than you think), but it is the most satisfying thing I know. As I wrote in my journal yesterday I realized I am really not that great at holding out the suspense, so I might as well kill it right now.

This week had been one my companion might describe as ¡que loser! We knew we should have worked harder, but we didn't. We knew we should have been more focused and obedient, but we weren't. We didn't give our all to the Lord. This affected me greatly. Very, very greatly. On Saturday night after another day of very little teaching, I spent a long time on my knees talking with my Heavenly Father and working out my salvation before Him as a missionary and a person. As I went to bed, I felt a great sense of peace. When I took the sacrament the following morning, my peace was complete and accompanied by joy. More people came to church yesterday than have come in any given Sunday for my entire mission! Literally, the young men were searching in the classrooms for more chairs to bring into the chapel for the people who came in. It was overflowing. Usually we don't give our testimonies as missionaries, but Elder Johnson made the first move and the rest of us followed and the Spirit in the room for that meeting was incredible. Incredible! To cut to the chase, the Holy Ghost led Hermana Jaramillo and I to the right people, at the right time, and He put the right words in our mouths that they needed to hear. We have had but one baptismal date this transfer so far, and it fell through. Yesterday nine people


accepted the invitation to baptized. Five of them have baptismal dates.

There is a law in Heaven and on earth that obedience to the commandments is directly connected to blessings. We did not see blessings yesterday. We saw miracles. 

I testify that God lives, and He really does love each and every one of us. He waits and hopes for us to come to Him, ask what we can do, and then receive the outpour of blessings which He has in store for us. Be obedient and do it with a willing heart. He is right there waiting for you - I promise that with everything I have.

Also, be grateful the English hymnbook doesn't contain a ridiculous song about New Year's.

Also, laughter is sometimes like an earthquake. THINK ABOUT IT.

Also, I love my companion. She is amazing.

Also, I love you!

Hermana Hewitt

Quote of the Week goes to Elder Johnson:
"So, we fought. And I ran away. But I live my life like a love story, right? So I thought, Man, this is lame. So I slowed down, right? And...she caught up with me. And she kicked me in the shins. And that's when I learned that girls kick me in the shins."


Letter from Mission President 1-3-14

Brother and Sister Wilson,
Your daughter continues to do well in the mission.  She is a trainer already.  Her spanish is outstanding and she is a joy to work with and be around.  We appreciate her diligence and great works.  She is an example to all of the missionaries and to us.
Thank you,

President and Sister Archibald
Peru Lima West Mission

January 2, 2013

Brother and Sister Wilson

Dear Brother and Sister Wilson,

We are pleased to report that Sister Andrea Hewitt was recently called to be a trainer to a new missionary in the Peru Lima West Mission.

She is an outstanding servant of the Lord, Jesus Christ.  We appreciate her faith, diligence, and obedience in moving forward in this great cause.  She is loved by her associates in the mission and will be a wonderful example and mentor to her new companion. 

Her new responsibilities require her to take charge of the field training of a new sister.  In every way she will model and exemplify the preparation, habits, and behaviors needed to become a successful missionary.  This is a large responsibility, one for which Sister Hewitt is well suited.  Her time as a trainer will challenge her and cause her to turn increasingly to the Lord for direction and counsel.  In doing so, she will mature and grow and be richly blessed.  We, in the mission are impressed by your daughter´s dedication to missionary work.  She is having great success and we appreciate the great training and experience that  she will be able to pass onto her new companion.

Thank you for supporting, praying and sacrificing on her behalf.

With gratitude and love,
President and Sister Blake Archibald
Peru Lima West Mission  

New Year's (12-30-13)

The shortness of this letter is totally MY fault.  I sent Lex a long email that you spent all her time responding to.  And to think that comes on the heels of me not posting her wonderful regular weekly emails for the past three weeks!  I am so sorry I have been so remiss.  I am repenting!

I have no time buuuuuut 

I love you!

Miracles exist. Look for them.

Don't drink!



Con amor,

Hermana Hewitt

For unto us this day is born… (12-24-13)

A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's right, folks. I am officially a mommy! The precious hija came into the mission field at about 5 feet 1 inch, aaaaaand the doctors chose not to tell me her weight because, well, usually babies are around 10 pounds and she was just a LITTLE bit more than that. But she's gorgeous! And Mexicana...

She speaks really well! Really fast. She's already teaching me a lot. Oh gracious, a lot. A lot about humility and patience and love and some things about Spanish as well.

I'm just gonna tell y'all right now, TRAINING A NEW MISSIONARY IS HARD.


But so worth it. I have grown so much closer to my Savior this week and have prayed more fervently than ever. Also, I have never felt more guided by the Holy Ghost on my mission. The right scriptures come to my mind, the questions that reach people's hearts, the words that make them really think. I no longer feel like I have to work to be in control. I feel extraordinarily directed by my Heavenly Father. It is absolutely beautiful!

Hermana Jaramillo is from Monterrey and is really excited to work. The first few days together were obviously rather awkward, but as we have gotten to know each other I just love her more. She has so many great stories and she likes to talk a lot. That's always fun. I have come to learn on the mission that I just really like to listen. I have learned a lot about this daughter of God during this week and we work well together.

The ward misses Hermana Moody way too much. It's kind of ridiculous and hilarious at the same time. Everybody and their dog is like WHAT the HECK where is our beautiful blonde pianist and conversationalist? And I just say well, you're looking at her...

old companion.

Haha no really, I feel a lot of love from the ward too and I know they are going to very quickly come to love Hermana Jaramillo. 

The awesome things about having a Mexican companion:
She loves salsa and spicy things. She literally brought about five gallons of different sauces to put on food.
She is learning English and says really hilarious things sometimes.
She has a very interesting perspective on everything. Especially the attractiveness of people.
She doesn't take no for an answer.
She doesn't let people talk to her in tú form. It's informal and BAD.
She sings ranchera music.
She lives her life like a soap opera.
She loves to laugh and is incredibly caring.


Sorry, no more time.

But I love you all! Merry Christmas!

Hermana Hewitt

Hermana Moody… keeping the church holy 12-16-13

I know you're all running around like chickens with your heads cut off waiting to find out about transfers. So I guess I'll just alleviate your concerns and tell you.........


I slept very little last night, and during those few hours that I was able to rest I had dreams about being transferred to Las Palmeras and having to share a house with seven other Hermanas.

All you need to know is, I like my privacy and I really don't want to go to Las Palmeras.

And so we wait. Pretty sure I am going to find out in about twenty minutes.

Our zone went to the beach again last week and made sand castles! That was a great relief from the cares of the world. The whole time our district built our sand castle, Elder Guevara was dramatically quoting The Testaments (a Church-produced film about the ancient peoples of America being visited by Christ) in Spanish. It was like an LDS soap opera up in there.

Also, we got jumped by two giant dogs in Ines's house. Well, Lucky, Balto's horse twin, was dancing with me and then the other one just flew up onto Hermana Moody's stunned face and left her slumped down on the couch laughing so hard there were tears streaming down her face. I love those dogs.

Yet again we returned to the beach on Saturday, this time to clean! Wow, there are some really dirty beaches in Ancon. It is super sad. BUT here came the Mormons, fixin' em up real good. I saw my buddy Elder Larsen from the CCM and Elder Muñoz and I had rock-carrying competitions. Can I just reiterate to you all how easily entertained missionaries are?

Our base of investigators has basically caved and so we have done some good old-fashioned door-knocking this week. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it! You never know what you are going to get. For example, we met "J". I tapped on the glass of the door with a pen and, opening a small window, there appeared a rather large and quite shirtless gentleman. I instantly looked to Hermana Moody to save me from talking to this fellow, but she just smiled at me with closed lips. Taking courage, I turned back to our new friend and began to talk with him. Turns out he has a wife and two kids and doesn't work on Sundays! Furthermore, he wanted to meet with us with his wife and made sure to schedule an appointment with us on a day when they will both be available. YES! 

There really are small miracles waiting for us everywhere. All we have to do is pray to find them and then go out a-lookin'. Heavenly Father has prepared people to put into our paths -  and not just the paths of the missionaries! You members have the responsibility to share the truth with those who are ready to hear it. Pray always for the opportunity to experience the great blessings of missionary work. You will not regret it.

After our (very, very successful) English class the other night, Hermana Moody and I were putting away the chairs in the overflow of the chapel. On the back pew sat a man and a woman, talking and giggling and obviously rather interested in one another. Just gonna tell you right now...it's pretty awkward to sit and flirt IN THE CHAPEL, IN FRONT OF THE SISTER MISSIONARIES. And my companion would have NONE of that. She started to stack the chairs more violently, making as much noise as possible. After a minute or two they started to look back at her perturbedly. She continued to stack with all her heart, might, mind, and strength. When FINALLY they up and left, she stopped, smiled at me in utter satisfaction, and said, "Hermana Moody, keeping the church holy."

(cue crowds cheering and incessant wookie noises) WHOOT WHOOT WHOOT WHOOT

That's my mother. :)

Also, one of the elders in our ward, Elder Gallardo, found a renewed fire to work on his English on Sunday and asked us to speak only in English to him. He asked us to respond to him as if we didn't speak any Spanish, and so if he makes a mistake he has to try and explain it again in English. My companion and I were standing by the bishop's office and he and Elder Muñoz had gone to find out where we would be meeting with our ward mission leader. I was talking to a sister in the ward when suddenly, over a sea of members doing their weekly despedidas, he shouted,


And promptly followed his companion into the church's kitchen.

Wow. I love being a missionary.

Love you all! Be safe and make good choices!

Hermana Hewitt

Oh yes. And "M", our convert, was trying to write down the information of our district leader. Definitely wrote down "Elder Scroglians."