06 January 2014

The rules are our best friends (1-6-14)

Hola cupcakes!

I apologize for my shortness these past few weeks. Things have been a bit whacky. But I have prayed for all my family and friends and I fervently hope that all of you have enjoyed Christmas and the New Year! The New Year's festivities here are CRAZY. I forgot to tell you, but on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve the entire city lights huge fireworks for about 15 minutes straight around midnight. It's so cool! Literally, everywhere you look there are fireworks exploding. Not to mention the gunshots into the sky...


Oh my goodness yeah! I have SIX MONTHS on the mission! Holy guacamole. Nope, they don't eat that here. But we have some mango and avocado in the fridge that might be gettin a makeover real soon here. Anyway. Six whole months. Looking back I see an ocean of things that have changed in me, but I know I still have a world to improve. Nevertheless, we endure to the end!

One of my fellow missionaries asked me on Monday what my favorite thing is about the mission. He told me his favorite part is the moment of reverence right before someone is baptized. I had to think for a day, but then I remembered that my favorite part is the feeling I have after a day of exact obedience. Granted, I had experienced this feeling probably four times in the whole mission (it's harder than you think), but it is the most satisfying thing I know. As I wrote in my journal yesterday I realized I am really not that great at holding out the suspense, so I might as well kill it right now.

This week had been one my companion might describe as ¡que loser! We knew we should have worked harder, but we didn't. We knew we should have been more focused and obedient, but we weren't. We didn't give our all to the Lord. This affected me greatly. Very, very greatly. On Saturday night after another day of very little teaching, I spent a long time on my knees talking with my Heavenly Father and working out my salvation before Him as a missionary and a person. As I went to bed, I felt a great sense of peace. When I took the sacrament the following morning, my peace was complete and accompanied by joy. More people came to church yesterday than have come in any given Sunday for my entire mission! Literally, the young men were searching in the classrooms for more chairs to bring into the chapel for the people who came in. It was overflowing. Usually we don't give our testimonies as missionaries, but Elder Johnson made the first move and the rest of us followed and the Spirit in the room for that meeting was incredible. Incredible! To cut to the chase, the Holy Ghost led Hermana Jaramillo and I to the right people, at the right time, and He put the right words in our mouths that they needed to hear. We have had but one baptismal date this transfer so far, and it fell through. Yesterday nine people


accepted the invitation to baptized. Five of them have baptismal dates.

There is a law in Heaven and on earth that obedience to the commandments is directly connected to blessings. We did not see blessings yesterday. We saw miracles. 

I testify that God lives, and He really does love each and every one of us. He waits and hopes for us to come to Him, ask what we can do, and then receive the outpour of blessings which He has in store for us. Be obedient and do it with a willing heart. He is right there waiting for you - I promise that with everything I have.

Also, be grateful the English hymnbook doesn't contain a ridiculous song about New Year's.

Also, laughter is sometimes like an earthquake. THINK ABOUT IT.

Also, I love my companion. She is amazing.

Also, I love you!

Hermana Hewitt

Quote of the Week goes to Elder Johnson:
"So, we fought. And I ran away. But I live my life like a love story, right? So I thought, Man, this is lame. So I slowed down, right? And...she caught up with me. And she kicked me in the shins. And that's when I learned that girls kick me in the shins."


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