Buenos días mis mazamorras moradas.
Sábado (Saturday) - Awe man. Worst lesson of my LIFE. So we met this guy as we were hopping into a taxi on Monday, and I didn't know the direction he needed but I handed him a folleto (brochure) with our number and told him he could go to the church on Sunday. He called two days later saying he was super interested in the Church and wanted to know more, as well as get to know more people in this area because he was kind of new. So we set up an appointment with him, so excited! Aaaaaand then as we talked he told us about his unfortunate series of love stories and how he never truly fell in love, and then he declared to me that he thinks I am his future wife.
(Ok… so I put this phrase into several different translators and they all seem somewhat stumped by the word "mazamorras"… but it may be some kind of porridge or bread. If it was anyone but Lex I would think differently, but I think it is entirely possible that Lex meant to say "Good day my purple porridge". If you know Lex, you know that what she says DOES NOT HAVE TO MAKE SENSE… whether she's speaking English or Spanish!!!)
Well this was one SUPER CRAZY WEEK.
Lunes (Monday) - Taught a big ol' family about the Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ. That was so cool! Everybody had different questions and the head of the family gave us a nice long prose about the time he talked to a highway worker. Or something like that. My thoughts were on Hoover Dam. I don't know why. But I enjoyed that Family Home Evening.
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(P-day Pancakes - requested by Elder Larsen) |
Martes (Tuesday) - Had our District Meeting and kinda felt like the weakest link. I have an awesome district and we didn't have awesome numbers to match up. So that was hard. But it made me think a lot. We taught several very stubborn individuals with the best member missionary in the ward, Juan Palacios, and I decided I am going to be Juan Palacios when I grow up.
(Ignore the date on the pic… not correct… Luis baptism
Left to right - Elder Wilson, Hermana Lopez, Hermana Pinto, Luis, Hermana Hewitt, Hermana Agle, Elder Alvarez, Elder Montesino, Elder Carillo in front)
Miércoles (Wednesday) - My companion's hymnbook got stolen by a baby. We also got a fecha baptismal (baptism date) with the Deacon of the local Catholic congregation. That was interesting. He is a marvelous man.
Jueves (Thursday) - We had some disagreements in the morning but the Holy Ghost and some good advice from Sister Archibald saved the day. We ended the day calmer.
Viernes (Friday) - Our cell phone got stolen by a neighbor of the blind less-active sister who we have been working to rescue. That was exciting. So we ended up having to go to the mission offices and wait for a few hours to have an interview with President. That interview changed the face of our companionship and certainly of our area, Pro. As we waited, we saw Elder Salazar and Elder Rau and participated in the prayers of two companionships of elders from the offices as they left with bags full of copies of The Book of Mormon to go contacting. That was cool. I also had a good conversation with Hermana Leyva, a Peruvian sister who went to BYU 3 years and with whom I am going to work. She wants to be an entrepreneur. I want to make art.
Domingo (Sunday) - We had 5 investigators in church and ended up finally finding this WONDERFUL family - Daddy who is a member, Mommy who ALMOST got baptized about 2 months ago but didn't feel ready to make the changes necessary, and three ADORABLE little children. A lot of things have happened in that time that the missionaries weren't visiting them anymore, and Mommy said she has made a lot of really big changes. We have invited her to be baptized this very Saturday. :)
(7th convert baptism)
Never give up! No, never!
And pray for Maria!
Hermana Hewitt
P.S. Ahaha okay entonces Luis has this habit of saying really hilarious things when we least expect it. And when strange things happen he generally whispers under his breath, "ayayay!" This week I have been hearing people say that EVERY DAY! Like every hour! And Hermana Pinto has boldly informed me that she will never let me forget the man we passed on the street yesterday who said, "Ayayay! Carne blanca!" ("White meat")
Welcome to my life.
P.P.S. I love you!
es un gran trabajo el que hacen usted y H. Pinto,ayudan a muchas personas, que Dios las bendiga mucho! y bonito su blog!