07 October 2014

Few are chosen 10-6-14

Yesterday was a day without the sacrament! Ah qué dolor! I still love my darling Perú. I just fail to understand why the entire country has to break the Sabbath. And what's more is that we weren't allowed to watch General Conference. Furthermore, our stake decided to have Stake Conference next week and so we still won't see it! Anyway. I'm not going to talk about it. Just pray that little hermana Hewitt doesn't lose her marbles. :)

During my entire mission I have not had the opportunity to share a district with an elder or sister who was in the last transfer of his or her mission. A zone, yes, but a district, no. Until this transfer! Elder Payne finished his mission training and in such a short time we got to learn so much from his incredible example. He is a teacher and a humble, righteous person and seeing him leave has made me contemplate the changes that a well-served, consecrated mission has on a young person.

Elder Gillies' first baptism and Elder Payne's last. IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL.

My mom and I have always been real connected. It's kinda weird. (Love you Mom.) I read today an email that she had written earlier, reminding me to read D&C 121:34-46 and lo and behold, that was the focus of one of my personal studies last week! My companion and I discussed the difference between being "called" and being "chosen," and we talked about how to BE one of the chosen. I would strongly advise you to read those verses. 

And then, as I said my prayers last night after a somewhat difficult day (LOTS of contacting and very little teaching), I felt the clear impression to open up my Book of Mormon to Alma. I read Alma 41 and was surprised that I had never noticed so many important principles there. This morning I read Alma 41 again, and again, and again...and again. Each time I read through the chapter I wrote down impressions that came to my mind and principles taught. There were many, but I just want to share one that is directly related to the passage in Doctrine and Covenants 121.

As children of God who chose to follow His plan and come to the earth to live, we made a righteous decision. When we chose to be baptized, we made a righteous decision. When we choose to enter the temple, to serve a mission, to be married and sealed together as families, we make righteous decisions. We have desires to work with God, and thus we are called (D&C 4). But those who are CHOSEN are those who CHOOSE to make righteous decisions every single day - in every situation, in every relationship, in every thought. We were created to act and not be acted upon, which I think I have mentioned previously.

There are relatively few individuals in this world who will choose to follow the Savior every single time they are called to do so. There are relatively few who will choose to have faith in Him, to repent, to be baptized, to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, and stay true to those covenants and principles for the rest of their lives. They are those who endure to the end and do it well. They are the chosen.

Elder Payne was one of those missionaries who endured to the end of his mission and did it really, really well. Every missionary who receives the call has the opportunity to decide if they will be one of the chosen. Likewise, every child of God who comes to this earth to be tested has the exact same decision to make.

Will you choose to be one of the chosen?

Your choice. :)

Hermana Hewitt

 Best friends! P.S. I cut myself some bangs. They don't always look that bad.

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