07 February 2013

Isaiah 1:18

"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool."

I Love to See the Temple was always my second favorite Primary song, after A Child's Prayer. As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we are encouraged from our childhood to make entering the holy temple one of our most important goals. There, in the House of the Lord, we make covenants, receive unimaginable blessings and are sealed to our families for time and all eternity. The ordinances of the temple are sacred, and therefore we do not discuss them outside of the temple or display them for the world to see. 

To enter into that holy place and partake of its blessings, one must be completely clean and free of the stains of the world. This state is possible through, and only through, the Atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ.

These words have been repeated to me for so long that after a while they really seemed to lose their meaning. I would have moments of clarity here and there, when I witnessed small miracles or took time to recognize the importance of the gospel, but it wasn't until I made the decision to serve a mission that I realized the gravity of the Atonement and personal worthiness.

Going to the temple to receive your endowment is probably the biggest step in preparing to serve a mission. No unclean thing can enter into the presence of the Lord, and that's why it takes so much effort to keep up your end of the deal. If we live in obedience to the commandments and standards of our Heavenly Father, which are put in place to protect us and bring us joy, Jesus Christ makes up the rest. I feel more grateful each day for His atoning sacrifice on my behalf. 

As I have worked with the Lord to bring my spirit to a place of worthiness to receive the blessings of the temple, I've come to appreciate more than ever the happiness that comes along with righteous living. Repentance, in its true and complete form, is as rewarding as it is difficult. Once you know that you have been forgiven for each misdeed and mistake that used to weigh you down, it's like being an entirely new person. I can't explain the abiding peace and comfort of acting under the direction of the Spirit. That constant companionship comes when we are worthy of it, and it is truly something to strive for. It's a feeling unmatched by any other on the earth.

On Tuesday evening I had the privilege to receive my endowment in the Bountiful, UT Temple. The attendance of members of my family, leaders from my home ward, and my best friend made it an even more special experience. Most importantly, I was able to make covenants with my Heavenly Father. What a blessing it is to feel His love in everything. I know that I can turn to Him when the adversary is at my heels, and there is such safety in knowing that I have an all-knowing Father watching over me at all times.

Come to the temple. Do whatever you need to in order to be worthy, and do everything fully and properly. You will be blessed more than words can describe.

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