This is an email that I sent to Lexi telling her of a tragedy (and the miracles that came as a result) that happened to her beloved Oscar... aka "Baby Dog". Anyone who knows Lex knows that the family member she'll miss the most on her mission is Oscar! We don't take offense... it is what it is... ;-) So you can imagine the agony I felt when Baby Dog was hit by a car this past weekend. Seeing him in pain was absolute torture, but the thought of telling Lex was more than I could bear. Our loving Heavenly Father knew all this... and He had a plan...
Hello, darling daughter.
I have a miracle to tell you about... but it might be kinda hard to hear so I want you to say a quick little prayer first before you scroll down. Just know that everything is ok and that I have a greater testimony than I ever have before that angels watch over us and Heavenly Father hears and answers our prayers.
Baby dog was hit by a car on Friday night, but he is going to be 100% ok... because of a series of miracles. Andrew and I were "camping" in a tent in the back yard (Mook & Chris were at a concert in SL). The tent door was zipped except the bottom zipper. Andrew and I were saying our prayers before turning in for the night and Oscar was just chilling out on the end of the sleeping bags. Some kids started hollering across 12th East and Oscar suddenly took off through the bottom of the tent door. We ran after him as fast as we could, screaming at him to stop, but he ran right into the street just as a car was passing.
With the help of the Murdoch's son-in-law we got him to the animal hospital where the vet met us. He has four broken ribs and a broken vertebra. The ribs, although painful, will heal and aren't considered a life threatening or even extremely serious injury, but the broken vertebra was a different story. Enter miracle number one. The doctor said he had no medical explanation for why the vertebra had not fallen directly down onto the spinal cord... causing paralysis or worse. Instead the broken bone had fallen to the side and was being held in place - away from the spinal cord by the vertebra in front of it.
Oscar spent the night in the animal hospital. The vet stayed with him so he wasn't alone. (He was also heavily sedated). He told us he would call in the morning to tell us how he was doing. The big test was if he could stand - even for a moment - so we would know there wasn't nerve damage. I was unbelievably frightened (truth be told I was a complete hysterical mess - I excluded that detail from Lexi's email, but she knows her mama...) thinking about the possibilities, but Andrew remained incredibly calm during the whole ordeal. He kept telling me over and over that he KNEW Oscar was going to be ok... that the Spirit had witnessed this to him and that he would heal completely. I was so comforted by his strength.
Before I left I asked the doctor if Oscar could have a Priesthood blessing. He told me that his stake president was also a vet and they had discussed that question at length as it was not an uncommon request. They had reached the conclusion that the Priesthood was to be reserved for God's children, but they felt prayers were every bit as effective as blessings when it came to our animal children. I did not sleep at all that night, Lex. I prayed non-stop. I have never prayed so fervently for anything. I prayed that angels would be with him and if it were possible that they minister to him and protect his spinal cord. At one point as I prayed I saw in vision two spirits administering to him. I saw one of them place her hand on his spine and I felt energy flow through my hand as if it was hers flowing into him. I understand now why Lehi says, "I thought I saw" when referring to his vision. It was a most peculiar experience and difficult, if not impossible, to describe how I was experiencing it. But I know that my prayers were being heard and literally answered.
On Saturday morning Dr. Israelsen called and asked if we were ready to take Oscar home. Not only could he stand, but he was walking around, eating, drinking, and had even gone outside to relieve himself. Words cannot describe the relief we felt! I wish I could say that it has been all smooth sailing since then, but it has not. His injuries are painful and he is so fragile. We have taken him back to the vet every morning and every evening for shots - steroids to protect the spinal cord, pain relievers, and medication to protect his stomach from the effects of the other medications.
On Sunday evening (yesterday) we were still concerned that neurological damage was a possibility. He had not eaten since Sat morning, was barely drinking, and had almost no movement. I knew I would be writing you this email and I couldn't bear the thought of not being able to conclusively state that all would be well and that his healing would be complete. Again, I prayed so fervently that I would be reassured... through physical evidence... that he would be ok so that I could tell you that in this email.
Last night he began walking between his bed (which we put right next to our bed) and the chair in the corner of our room. It took tremendous effort but he did it four times over the course of the night. He also began drinking enough water to keep him hydrated. This morning the doctor re-X-rayed him. When he brought the x-rays in for me to see he said, "You know those stories about people who have cancer, receive a blessing, and then when they return to the doctor there is no sign the cancer was ever there? Well, I think we're just about there with our miracle dog." He told me if he hadn't known where the vertebra break was he never would have picked it up on the x-ray he took this morning. The broken bone had moved off and away from the spinal cord and no swelling in the area was present - again, totally medically inexplicable.
Oscar has begun walking... following us around the house. At first just a few steps before resting, but more and more throughout the day. And tonight he passed the vet's last final test by eating and keeping it down. (Of course it was freshly cooked chicken - he flatly refused everything else!) Oscar is a spoiled prince!
Chris calls what has happened "Lexi's miracle." He feels that the Adversary created the conditions that led to the accident in an attempt to disrupt your ability to serve in the manner in which you are needed, but that the Lord intervened and created instead a learning experience for us all. My testimony of prayer, of the presence of ministering angels, of the reality of a loving Heavenly Father have all been strengthened. This experience has had a powerful impact on Andrew. I will encourage him to write to you about it from his perspective and what he has learned. I have also had a renewed commitment to cherish those we love and to never ever let anything be more important than our relationships because life is fragile and we never know how much time we have with one another.
I'm sorry if this has been painful and scary to read, but I have prayed that you would feel the Spirit as you read it and that you would receive a confirmation of the Lord's hand in our life.
We love you so much, Lex. Keep baby dog in your prayers. He loves you and is working hard to get his "spazz" back!
Hello, darling daughter.
I have a miracle to tell you about... but it might be kinda hard to hear so I want you to say a quick little prayer first before you scroll down. Just know that everything is ok and that I have a greater testimony than I ever have before that angels watch over us and Heavenly Father hears and answers our prayers.
Lex, Andrew, and Oscar camping in the backyard before she left on her mission
With the help of the Murdoch's son-in-law we got him to the animal hospital where the vet met us. He has four broken ribs and a broken vertebra. The ribs, although painful, will heal and aren't considered a life threatening or even extremely serious injury, but the broken vertebra was a different story. Enter miracle number one. The doctor said he had no medical explanation for why the vertebra had not fallen directly down onto the spinal cord... causing paralysis or worse. Instead the broken bone had fallen to the side and was being held in place - away from the spinal cord by the vertebra in front of it.
Saying goodbye to Oscar for the night...
Before I left I asked the doctor if Oscar could have a Priesthood blessing. He told me that his stake president was also a vet and they had discussed that question at length as it was not an uncommon request. They had reached the conclusion that the Priesthood was to be reserved for God's children, but they felt prayers were every bit as effective as blessings when it came to our animal children. I did not sleep at all that night, Lex. I prayed non-stop. I have never prayed so fervently for anything. I prayed that angels would be with him and if it were possible that they minister to him and protect his spinal cord. At one point as I prayed I saw in vision two spirits administering to him. I saw one of them place her hand on his spine and I felt energy flow through my hand as if it was hers flowing into him. I understand now why Lehi says, "I thought I saw" when referring to his vision. It was a most peculiar experience and difficult, if not impossible, to describe how I was experiencing it. But I know that my prayers were being heard and literally answered.
On Saturday morning Dr. Israelsen called and asked if we were ready to take Oscar home. Not only could he stand, but he was walking around, eating, drinking, and had even gone outside to relieve himself. Words cannot describe the relief we felt! I wish I could say that it has been all smooth sailing since then, but it has not. His injuries are painful and he is so fragile. We have taken him back to the vet every morning and every evening for shots - steroids to protect the spinal cord, pain relievers, and medication to protect his stomach from the effects of the other medications.
On Sunday evening (yesterday) we were still concerned that neurological damage was a possibility. He had not eaten since Sat morning, was barely drinking, and had almost no movement. I knew I would be writing you this email and I couldn't bear the thought of not being able to conclusively state that all would be well and that his healing would be complete. Again, I prayed so fervently that I would be reassured... through physical evidence... that he would be ok so that I could tell you that in this email.
Oscar's temporary hospital room next to our bed
Oscar has begun walking... following us around the house. At first just a few steps before resting, but more and more throughout the day. And tonight he passed the vet's last final test by eating and keeping it down. (Of course it was freshly cooked chicken - he flatly refused everything else!) Oscar is a spoiled prince!
Chris calls what has happened "Lexi's miracle." He feels that the Adversary created the conditions that led to the accident in an attempt to disrupt your ability to serve in the manner in which you are needed, but that the Lord intervened and created instead a learning experience for us all. My testimony of prayer, of the presence of ministering angels, of the reality of a loving Heavenly Father have all been strengthened. This experience has had a powerful impact on Andrew. I will encourage him to write to you about it from his perspective and what he has learned. I have also had a renewed commitment to cherish those we love and to never ever let anything be more important than our relationships because life is fragile and we never know how much time we have with one another.
I'm sorry if this has been painful and scary to read, but I have prayed that you would feel the Spirit as you read it and that you would receive a confirmation of the Lord's hand in our life.
We love you so much, Lex. Keep baby dog in your prayers. He loves you and is working hard to get his "spazz" back!
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