Email #1:
Sorry I didn't write on Monday...they called me last week to let me know I would be leaving the country.
This was the first of SEVEN emails, six of which contained pictures… and very little text because she was in a hurry. My first question, "Ummm… why did you leave the country?! And my second question, "Where did you go??"
I missed it the first time I looked at this picture, but check out what the other Hermana is holding…(It's an egg if you didn't figure it out…) Anyone who knows Lex knows that look she has on her face. If you don't know all her facial expressions, here is some "mom translation": Her expression is saying, "That's right. This is happening!"
Forget birthday spankings… in Peru they have birthday "eggings!"
Email #2:
Saw my daughter the other day in a conference.
Reconnecting with Hermana Jaramillo
Also, this is our district! Except for Elder Alvarez, our DL, just got an emergency transfer to Ventanilla. So his companion, Elder Montesino, is now our DL and he is with Elder Morales.
Still wondering why she left the country and where she went? Me too! Stay tuned!
Email #3:
Oh yeah, so we went to Ecuador on Monday. Normál. Bought Dunkin' Donuts in the airport. I thought Elder Larsen was going to cry!
Hahaha and the second is a photo in the plane. It was a good flight.
One question answered! Check! "Oh, ok… you went to Ecuador on Monday… and that's normal… ok, got it… ummm, why?"
Email #4:
We spent most of the afternoon and evening in the city of Tumbes, the northernmost city in Perú. it is the COOLEST little pueblo EVER! They had all these amazing sculptures and cultural stuff. It honestly is like a lifelong party. It was like a mix of New York and Washington, D.C. and probably villages in Africa and some place in Italy. That's how it was in my mind.
Wow… that is a really cool looking place… and, yes, I can see how you got New York... and D.C…. and little African villages...and Italy out of that! ;-)
But, wait… does this have something to do with your trip to Ecuador? Was this Monday or Tuesday… or last week??
Ok… let's see here… I've haven't seen pictures of these Hermanas prior to the Dunkin Donuts in the airport picture. They were in that one, which means they must have gone to Ecuador too. The Peru Lima West Mission does not include the northern-most city of Tumbes, but it is right next to Ecuador… so the Sherlock Holmes in me says that you went to Ecuador so you could go to Tumbes! Uhhhh… WHY??
(By the way Ma, I think I am just going to send you pictures instead of a full update this week because I dont have a whole lot of time. So if you like you can put my captions up with the photos. :)
OH, THANK YOU, BLESSED ANGEL DAUGHTER! I would love to substitute the captions you sent with the photos for the update since both I'm sure would make equal sense and convey to your blog readers exactly what you have been up to the past week! :-0
Email #5
Here is a giant (I mean, GIANT) statue of the resurrected Christ. That was such a nice change of scenery. So often here it's a really uncomfortable depiction of His crucifixion. Therefore, us missionaries were so so so happy to see the hope in this piece of artwork. It's made of millions of little tiny glass tiles!
Wow! That is really cool! I want to visit Tumbes!
Also, some of us gringos went and found milkshakes. Those are Hermanas Olsen, Jones, and Morgan, and Elders Larsen and Crouch.
Of course… milkshakes… just keeping in line with the favorite American junk food theme of the impromptu trip to Ecuador / Tumbes / WHY?
Email #6:
So, it was raining HARD as we waited for our flight in the nighttime and we had to stay there in the consuming heat for an extra hour. The elders got a little restless. I am honestly sorry there are so many pictures of Elder Larsen, but he tends to be the leader of the mischief.

Nice legs, Elders! Ok… so you went to Ecuador so you could go to Tumbes and you flew back all in one very long day? Got it! Ummm… why?
And, we did eventually return. Here's my companion and I with our zone leaders the next day (I was running on about five hours of sleep a missionary, that is the equivalent of thirty-six hours without a wink). We all accidentally wore something pink. They gave us priesthood blessings and I was reminded of how grateful I am that we have this power restored to the earth once again, and how honored I am to know so many worthy priesthood holders.
A big "Amen" on the gratitude for the Priesthood sentiment!
Glad you made it back, Sis…. wish I knew why you went …
Email #7:
(After a few quick lines in response to the personal email I sent this week, we get another clue!)
This Monday I should be on at the normal time. I am now legal. I love you!
Hermana Hewitt
She's now legal? Hmmm… I wonder if she had to leave the country and come back in because her tourist visa had expired? Or maybe she had to go to Ecuador to get her permanent visa to replace the temporary tourist visa? Don't they have offices for that in Peru? It could be equally plausible that she went to Ecuador because her mission president just adores all those Caucasian kids and thought they deserved a field trip! Oh, another clue! All the missionaries that went to Ecuador are white! That means… hmmm…. ;-)