Sorry this is late! But I felt I should probably let all of the wonderful women in my life that I LOVE THEM!
Good mothers shape good lives and a better world. I am so grateful for a wonderful mom, stepmom, aunts, grandmothers, teachers, leaders, and friends who have taught me to be a virtuous and Christlike person. I got to talk with my wonderful mommy yesterday and what a joy that was!
Always remember to thank your mother, or the mother figures that you have, for all they do for you.
I have to insert my little note here… this Mother's Day was absolutely the best Mother's Day EVER! I have been so richly blessed with such incredible children and felt entirely spoiled by their love yesterday, with Lexi's missionary Skype call being the highlight! Love you guys!
Because I am a missionary and I do not like to sin, I am going to ask my mother to find Mr. T's Mothers Day Rap and post it here. Thanks, James Shepard, for the reference about a year and a half ago.
Having trouble attaching the link… go figure… I'm not exactly tecno-proficient! Sorry, all… google it… it's funny!
Love you all! Oh yeah hahaha and mazamorra morada really is a Peruvian dessert. It's a thick, translucent pudding made of boiled purple corn. Better with ground cinnamon. GOOD STUFF. And it's sweet, like all of you.
See post from April 21, 2014… yes, she actually called us all her "purple porridge" because we are her "sweet things!" ;-)
Not the mazamorras moradas, but another Peruvian num num…
This is a dish that the High Priests Quorum spent the whole day cooking in an underground oven. It's called Pachamanca and I LOVE IT.

P.S. Quote of the Week goes to Elder Lewis. He was about to go and perform his first baptism and the other elders were telling him he had to take everything out of his pockets, including his plaque and everything. His district leader, Elder Gubler, went on a roll, " cell phones, no pens, no pencils, no agenda, no necklaces, no rings, no toe rings...YOU CAN'T EVEN WEAR TOE RINGS ON THE MISSION..." and Elder Lewis just looked at him blankly and responded, "Well, what about my belly ring? If nobody is going to see it anyway, do I still have to take it out?"
We giggled. He kept a straight face and walked away to go perform an ordinance. It was like James Bond walking away from an explosion.
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