Well, I officially have 10 months on the mission and 20 years of life!
Thanks, Mom and Dad, for helping me out with that. You are so good to me.
I really don't have a lot to say today. Haha we were all a little concerned when a quite active member of our ward bore her testimony of the living prophet Gordon B. Hinckley yesterday...but other than that Perú continues to be good old Perú.
Oh yes and my darling companion made me breakfast today and put balloons on the wall.

Thanks, Mom and Dad, for helping me out with that. You are so good to me.
This week was cool! Hard and not as fruitful as I would have liked, but I learned a lot. I would just like to remind you all that the Book of Mormon changes lives, that your ward councils should be focused on ordinances, that I still have eight months left on the mission, and that I am going to use it!
Oh yes and my darling companion made me breakfast today and put balloons on the wall.

Birthday decorations from Hermana Pinto!
Luis turned 25 on the 2nd! And our ward loves him so we all sang and he left with a cake. He was embarrassed. BUT happy. :)

Oh! Good moment yesterday afternoon. We were leaving an appointment to go home and do our studies when my companion told me it always makes her giggle when we walk by young couples and the girl grabs her boyfriend like he's going to fly away with the wind or the gringa. Half the time I don't even notice it anymore! But we began to discuss why it is that the poor girls get so nervous about this big old white person who just happens to be a very chaste missionary. Do they not see my long skirts and walking shoes? Anyway, we passed by a park and just as I was about to change the topic, all these guys taking a break from their game of fútbol started to whistle and murmur about the pretty missionaries. AWK-WARD. So that made me feel kind of ridiculous. But we passed by and I cooled off a little.
Approximately 45 seconds later, some other guy on the street yells, "GRINGA!" and in perfect succession escaped from my mouth, "AY," and a dog started barking in the window above us.
So when you're frustrated, just say "GRINGA! AY! WOOF WOOF!"
Hermana Hewitt
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