20 August 2014

Amazing week! 8-18-14

This was such an amazing week!

Firstly, we ¨rescued¨ a less active family, the Familia Lazo. They are a family of 5 who are preparing to be sealed in the temple in two weeks! Probably the richest people in our area, but some of the sweetest and most humble people I have met on my mission. It was so great - last Sunday Adrian, their 14-year-old son, was ordained a teacher and received the priesthood for the first time. When we had our FHE with them on Monday night, he talked about how excited he was to pass the sacrament and even more to go on a mission in 4 years. When we first started teaching them he wouldn't even consider it! 

Then we started teaching the (very Catholic) parents of a 13-year-old girl who has been going to church off and on for years. No other missionaries had EVER taught them! WHAT! They had all begged permission for her to be baptized, but they had never actually received the lessons. So we taught them about the Restoration and the Spirit was strong. They didn't accept a baptismal date, but they did accept a return visit and to read the Book of Mormon. Pray for the Familia Ponce!

Ohoho also that same day we taught a widowed woman who we contacted about a month ago. She was never in her house but we finally caught her and taught her the first lesson and she accepted a baptismal date! A couple days later we went to remind her about church and I felt a strong impression to ask if she had shared with any of her children about the Church (she has 4 children between 10 and 28). She lit up and said, "Yes! I was telling my daughter about the Book of Mormon and she wants to know more!" So she went and brought her 28-year-old daughter, who just started asking us all these GOLDEN questions! It was so so so SO amazing! She also accepted to be baptized, buuuut they didn't get up early to go to church. :( However, we are going to keep trying with them! Pray for the Familia Lozano too.

On top of that, we had a beautiful lesson with Paul, the husband of a less active sister. He is so great! He just will not accept to be baptized! Literally he lives like a member. And he has had so many spiritual experiences. But there's always something little. We have him on a recipe of Book of Mormon stories and strong doses of daily prayer. Please pray for Paul.

Also there is another PF, the wife and mother of a less active family, who is going to be baptized this Saturday! Luisa. She's hilarious and I love her. You're invited to pray for her too.

OH I JUST WANT TO GIVE IT AWAY NOW but I won't. Just look forward to next week's letter. :)

Anyway a couple approached us in church yesterday and said their son is turning 8 on Thursday and is going to be baptized that day. They asked us if we would be willing to come each day prior and teach him the missionary lessons. Sure thing! So we went and learned he has Asperger's (sp?) and also that he is the most intelligent 7-year-old in the South American continent. He knew almost everything already! It was so fun teaching him. Teaching the gospel to children requires SO MUCH PATIENCE and a whole lot of resourcefulness. Teaching a child who only wants to tell us how it is and talk about origami dinosaurs is just plain FUN. Haha I am totally serious in saying that it was one of the most worthwhile challenges I have confronted in awhile. I am so thankful that his parents invited us to teach him!

I gave a talk in church yesterday about baptism. Just going to say... I enjoyed it a lot. Thanks to my bishops who made me speak in church ALL THE TIME. I really didn't like it before, but now it's a joy. I feel so powerful.


Alrighty well I love you all! Keep prayin' and readin' and livin' the truth! Remember who you are and make good choices.

Hermana Hewitt

P.S. My companion is the Peruvian equivalent of Debbie Downer on SNL. Yesterday she was telling me all about her puppy and how he offered his paw when you said Buenos días and how he always chased the rooster in the morning. "Ah, my puppy was SO cute. And then he died. He was poisoned."


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