05 August 2014

Light. 8-4-14

After a week of some extraordinary disappointments, I am sitting here at the computer, wondering how I can possibly be the means of providing encouragement and light to the folks back home. 

I think I explained the answer in a Family Home Evening that my companion and I improvised last night. We were with the former bishop's wife and two sons and mother-in-law and less-active sister-in-law, their neighbor and her 17- and 11-year-old daughters, and a friend of the 17-year-old daughter's. A very diverse crowd with very diverse needs. But as we opened up the scriptures to explain some of the Savior's teachings, meeting every last one was surprisingly easy. Well, the Spirit did that. 

We went to Matthew 4 and 5. 4:19-20 explain that Jesus called fishers to come and follow Him, and He told them they would be fishers of men. I made the jóvenes giggle as I asked if they were supposed to start catching people to eat...that would not be tasty...but we went on to talk about how we can follow Jesus Christ and help others to do the same. 

We read through the Bienaventurados (sorry I'm too lazy to try and remember what they're called in English) and then set our sights on 5:14. As we strive to keep the commandments and serve everyone - and I mean everyone - in our pathway, we become a light for the world, just like Jesus' disciples of old. We become fishers of men.

The Savior came to this world to do exactly as His name suggests - to save us. Every single one of God's children is so precious to Him that He sent His Only Begotten Son to suffer for every single one of our sins, pains, afflictions, trials, temptations, weaknesses, and crushing failures. I KNOW that this is true. And every single one of God's children NEEDS TO KNOW that this is true for them, too.

Your neighbor Mr. Rogers needs to know how to use the Savior's sacrifice. Please be a light to him. Your second cousin needs to know, too. Please, be a light to her. And if you don't know yet, please write to me and I will show you! 


Look everybody, I don't know everything. I still have so much to figure out. But I learned that God made me ME for a purpose, and if I don't let that light shine I am wasting His creation. We are expected to use what light we have received to guide those who may be lost in the wilderness. Read 1 Nephi 8! Read the book of St Matthew! Listen to the hymn "Brightly Beams Our Father's Mercy"! 

And the trick is in Matt 5:16. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. 

We are here to glorify the Father. He wants us to be US because He made us that way so that we could glorify Him. It all goes back to Him. If you're trying to be somebody else, stop! It doesn't work and it's not right! You are YOU and it is because you are supposed to use every one of your characteristics for God's purposes! Just be obedient and thankful and charitable and everything will be okay.


I love you.

Hermana Hewitt

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